If you believe that you get what you pay for, then expect no less than the best from a free roof inspection. Many reputable local roofing companies in Peoria, IL offer this valuable service to homeowners — and it is completely risk-free.
Does a roof inspection really give you the information to make an informed decision?
Trust is important when choosing a roofing professional. If you contact an out-of-town roofer offering a free roof inspection, beware! They might tell you that your roof needs replacement when it only needs some minor repairs.
By contrast, a reputable local roofer in Peoria, IL will give you trustworthy results. It’s because of their familiarity with the area and your unique situation. They’ll inspect your roof thoroughly, explain their findings, and give you options for repairs or replacement.
If you contact a local roofer like ROOF TIGER to schedule an inspection, expect to be given an in-depth and unbiased assessment that will detail the condition of your roof. You will also get a thorough report suggesting ways to fix any problems discovered during the inspection. Additionally, you will get a complimentary consultation about the issues that came up after the inspection.
What Circumstances Make a Free Roof Inspection Valuable?
For roof care, the best approach is prevention. The more regularly you schedule inspections, the less chance your home has to suffer from hidden damage that can be expensive to repair. Routine inspections ensure that if problems do occur, they can be caught early and dealt with through regular maintenance instead of through a major overhaul and more costly repairs down the road.
Issues like these prompt a contact to a roofing contractor to schedule a free roof inspection.
- Following a strong rain, shingles and granules are seen on the ground.
- Water drops or stains on an unfinished attic’s “ceiling” or in the finished rooms below.
- The roof is becoming older. The homeowners’ insurance company wants an assessment to see if a replacement is needed to keep their coverage.
- After a storm, portions of the exposed foundation, missing shingles, unsecured metal panels, or damaged flashing are visible signs of substantial damage.
Prepare for potential charges following a free examination.
Regardless of whether you’re getting a free inspection or not, make sure to prepare yourself for potential expenses. A roof that is older than 10 years old or damaged after a storm might require a new roofing system altogether. Therefore, it’s important to get a professional roof inspection in Peoria, IL. It will help determine which repairs are necessary and how much they will cost you.
Schedule a free roof inspection with our team at ROOF TIGER, and we’ll help you determine whether it can use some maintenance. Call now to find out if a roof repair is necessary before it’s too late!